Hello guys! How you all been doing? We’ve been very busy the last month(s) working on our next Mega Scenery as well as new updates for the WSSS Mega Singapore Scenery. As for the RPLC (Clark International + Angeles), it will be release to together with our upcoming Mega Scenery.
We are very excited to show our first limited screenshots on what we are currently working.
The next upcoming scenery will be WMKK + Mega Kuala Lumpur HQ. This Scenery Development priority is Proudly Sponsored by the Malaysian Flight Simulation Community. It will be our first scenery also to be in partnership with a Malaysian Virtual Airline (More details to be announce soon).
Just keep in mind that all screenshots are not final and still on heavy development. So some areas might be empty or subject to change. We are currently working on areas like PutraJaya & CyberJaya. However, we would like to show some of our development update. This scenery is more improved and mostly designed not only for IFR pilots, but also towards more for VFR. And we are very excited.
We still cannot give even a rough estimate, development is always fluid especially in times of pandemic. But we are working heavily. I hope you all are doing good and staying safe.
So for now, enjoy our few screenshots!