RPLL for MSFS has been updated to version 1.2.1
Hello Captains!
I hope you are all flying well! We just updated our RPLL for MSFS to version 1.2.1. Note that updates may come later on other partner stores (Although we already submitted the files). Please refer to the list below for the change logs for this update. Happy flying!
Version 1.2.1 Change Logs:
- Replace NAIA skyway/express way with new model
- Fix missing/pink texture in T1
- Added cargo parking bays in T1
- Updated domestic parking positions in T4
- Updated parking names in T4 & taxiway names
- Removed static aircraft in T1 cargo and replace with actual parkings
- Removed static aircraft in Balagbag and replace with actual parkings
- Reworked ground texture to generate volumetric grass and adjusted coloration
- Airport public roads improvements
If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at support@cloufsurfasia-simulations.com