Singapore City Downtown for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Updated to Version 1.2

Hi guys! We’ve bump up our Singapore Downtown scenery for MSFS to version 1.1. This quick update is an overhaul of Marina Bay Sands Hotel. To update, please download the new updated version from the store you bought it. Happy flying captains and stay safe!
WSSS + Mega Singapore Scenery Updated to Version 2.0

Hi Everyone! Hope you all are doing good. Our WSSS Mega Singapore Scenery has been updated to Version 2.0This new version packs with the new SAM Jetway! Changelog: – Over all replacement of Autogate to Custom modeled & animated Jetways using SAM Plugin – Updated all taxiways and ground markings to latest information – Updated […]

!! ANNOUNCEMENT !! Hi guys, for those who are interested or wondering what we are currently working, here is our roadmap / plans in the near future. Note that in RPLL for MSFS, we’ve reworked the models from scratch to get best visuals for MSFS possible and all work is complete for 3D modelling. So […]
RPLL Freeware Updated to V2

Hi everyone! Our freeware RPLL is now updated to version 2. Including in this update is total replacement of all ground textures, lines and markings incorporating our premium textures. All of this textures are copy right protected under Cloudsurf Asia Simulations. This update is mainly focused on improving the airport ramp and taxiway markings, adding […]
Singapore Downtown for MSFS Released!

Our Singapore Downtown for MSFS is now officially released! Check it out here
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Singapore Downtown Scenery Preview 2

Hi guys! Hope you are all doing well. Here’s more previews for our upcoming Singapore Downtown for MSFS. Coming real soon! This time, more evening shots and a few day light! Enjoy!
Singapore for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Coming Soon!

Our first product for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS2020) is Singapore in extremely High Definition! Pack with hundreds of authentic 3D Models to represent the heart of Singapore as real as possible. The scenery is highly detailed textured from 2-4k full PBR with superb lighting effects at night based on how it look in real life. […]
WMKK + Mega Kuala Lumpur Update V1.0

Our WMKK + Mega kuala Lumpur is now updated to Version 1.0 Update Change Log: Reworked KLIA Main ATC Tower (added more details & now in 4K PBR) Reworked KLIA2 Main ATC Tower (added more details & now in 4K PBR) Reworked KLIA Jetways visuals (now in 4K PBR) Fixed jetway gap Adjusted RAMP lights […]
WMKK + Mega Kuala Lumpur Update – Patch 001

Hi guys, this patch is a fix for airliner RAMP assignments for all terminals. After this patch, you should be able to see proper airlines on their respective terminal ramp assignments. NOTE: This update is for users who downloaded the v0.1b only. So if you already bought the version v0.2b or higher you will not […]
WMKK + Mega Kuala Lumpur Scenery Released!

After months of work, our WMKK + Kuala Lumpur Scenery for X-Plane 11 is now finally in Open Beta Release. Please read the installation instructions carefully. Check it our on our website:…/wmkk-airport-kuala-lumpur…/